An Exciting Menu of Research Presentations and Events at Three-Day Danyliw 2017 Seminar in Ottawa

The 13th Annual Danyliw Seminar (16-18 November 2017) is unveiling an ambitious program devoted to the war in Donbas, post-Maidan reforms, historical memory, the Holodomor and cutting edge research on Ukrainian society, economy and culture.
The Seminar, featuring 16 presentations, 2 book panels, 2 film screenings and 2 special roundtables, will bring together 28 scholars and doctoral students, 2 journalists and 2 filmmakers -- 25 from outside Canada (6 from Ukraine), and 17 attending for the first time, a testimony of the vibrancy of the field of Ukrainian Studies.
The program is online at A shortened PDF version is attached.
Among the highlights:
The new documentary The Trial: The State of Russia vs Oleg Sentsov (Estonia 2017), on the fabricated case of “terrorism” against Crimean filmmaker Sentsov. Russian filmmaker Askold Kurov will be onsite to take part in a Q&A after the screening (Thursday November 16, 4.15 pm).
The documentary Alisa in Warland (Ukraine 2016), on the personal war experienced by a Ukrainian student at the Kyïv film academy. Ukrainian filmmaker Alisa Kovalenko will also be onsite to present and discuss the film (Friday November 17, 4.30 pm).
A special panel on “Journalism and War” featuring the Ukrainian journalist Oksana Grytsenko, from Kyïv Post, and the Kyïv-based French journalist Stéphane Siohan, who reports for several international media, including Radio-Canada (Friday November 17, 2.45 pm).
A special panel to mark the 90th anniversary of Theofil Kis, a former professor of Political Science at uOttawa who was one of the founders of the Chair of Ukrainian Studies (Friday November 17, 11.45 am).
A panel featuring two new books on the Ukrainian economy: Oleh Havrylyshyn (formerly of the IMF) on The Political Economy of Independent Ukraine (Palgrave 2017) and Yulia Yurchenko (U of Greenwich, UK) on Ukraine and the Empire of Capital: From Marketisation to Armed Conflict (Pluto Press 2018) (Thursday November 16, 11 am).
A panel featuring the new book by Mayhill Fowler, Beau Monde on Empire’s Edge: State and Stage in Soviet Ukraine (Toronto 2017) (Saturday November 18, 9.45 am).
And a broad array of exciting new research: five presentation on the war in Donbas, four on post-Maidan reforms, three on historical memory, two on political economy, and two on culture.
All the Seminar sessions will be held in Room 12102 of the Desmarais Building (DMS), 55 Laurier Ave., on University of Ottawa campus. A map of University of Ottawa campus – with the DMS location – can be accesssed at
The Seminar is open to the public and registration is free. Since space is limited, people interested in attending the seminar must register by sending an email to the Chair of Ukrainian Studies ( or by calling 613 562 5800, ext. 3692.
An opening reception will be held on Thursday, November 16, at 6.30 PM in Desmarais 12102, after the screening and Q&A of The Trial. All are cordially invited.
The Seminar will have an extensive presence on the web. All presentations and discussion sessions (Q&A) will be filmed and uploaded on the Seminar’s web site ( The Seminar papers will also be available on the website shortly after they are presented.
For real time updates, go and like the Seminar’s Facebook page ( and follow me on Twitter at @darelasn.
The international selection committee is comprised of Dominique Arel (Chair of Ukrainian Studies, U of Ottawa), Anna Colin Lebedev (U Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France), Mayhill Fowler (Stetson U, US), Oxana Shevel (Tufts U, US) and Ioulia Shukan (U Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France).
The Seminar is made possible by the commitment of the Wolodymyr George Danyliw Foundation to the pursuit of excellence in the study of contemporary Ukraine.